
Rice Water for Hair

WHY? Rice water will make your hair smooth and shiny because it contains amino acids and vitamins, and some say it even helps your hair grow faster! This trick has been used in Asia for centuries.

  1. HOW? So simple ! Rinse and strain your rice (if it's not Dainty!) to remove any dirt or impurities that you don’t want to apply to your hair.

  2. Mix the strained rice in a medium-sized bowl enough water to cover it. Swirl it around with a spoon until the water becomes cloudy.

  3. Strain the rice, this time reserving the water in a plastic container or jug. Store the rice for later or cook it.

  4. Cover the rice water container and let it sit at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. Note: if you don't use it after 24 hours we recommend disposing of it.

  5. Fill a small container with the rice water for application. Keep the rest in your fridge.

How to use :

Apply the rice water on your scalp and your lengths after your shampoo and conditioner.

 Let it sit for two to five minutes and rinse.