Dainty Foods Partners with Solidarity Kitchens
Founded in April 2020, Solidarity Kitchens, a division of Les Tablée des Chefs, was created as a response to reduce the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on two hard hit groups: Canadian families in need and restaurant kitchens and chefs.
The initiative goals are two-fold – to provide healthy meals to Food Banks in Canada, and to partner with pandemic dormant chefs and their kitchens to keep them afloat with a humanitarian mission. Chefs prepare recipes for a minimal fee and donors graciously donate ingredients, warehousing, and funds.
In 2020, 2 million meals were donated to foodbanks. In 2021, they are aiming to recreate their success with another 2 million meals being sent to Canadian families.
Dainty is proud to be counted amongst the food manufacturers who have supported Solidarity Kitchens in 2021. Dainty rice has been cooked up as a key component in 220,000 recipes of chicken fried rice , split between Quebec and Ontario kitchens. The meals are frozen and distributed to food banks throughout both provinces. Dainty’s doorstep community is Windsor, Ontario, and we are thrilled to say 10,000 meals have gone to Windsor Family Homes & Community Partnership.
Dainty Marketing Manager, Nikola Reford, volunteers in Tablée des Chefs kitchen run by Laurence Lavoie-Tremblay
The Dainty Foods mission is simple: Foster Simple Lives Beholding Good Values. When approached by Solidarity Kitchens, Dainty jumped at the chance to participate in making an elemental contribution to community through food. Both organizations value the importance of simple and nutritious meals and giving back to our communities through this essential element.
Despite the tough challenges brought on by the pandemic for many, this initiative is a heartwarming example of Canadians coming together and helping where they can.
At Dainty Foods, our entire team is honoured to have been apart of such a great cause. A good meal does more than just feed a person’s body, it feeds their spirit. Congratulations and thank you to the hardworking chefs and volunteers for their excellent work. And a special thank you to La Tablée des Chefs/Solidarity Kitchens for the superb organization and execution of this exemplary initiative to help fellow Canadians.
To learn more about Solidarity Kitchens and La Tablée des Chefs, check out their website here: https://www.tableedeschefs.org/en/programs/solidarity-kitchens/