Dainty’s 25% Post-Consumer Recycled packaging wins a PAC Global award for Package Innovation Sustainable Design.
2021 was a milestone year for Dainty Foods. As a company we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment and establishing ourselves as a responsible Canadian brand. To support the efforts, we launched our 25% Post-Consumer Recycled packaging and are working towards closing the recycling loop.
The Classic teal blue line of Dainty 900g rice varieties is now packaged in 25% post-consumer recycled PE #4. The material, sourced and printed by Emmerson Packaging, fulfills the goals of PAC Golden Design Rule #6: Increase Recycling value in Consumer Flexible Packaging. This guideline asks companies to push the boundaries of traditional packaging and work with suppliers to create demand for recycled goods.
At the retail launch Dainty released an infographic to visually inform on how the packaging came to be. Our goal is to educated consumers about packaging and its impact on the environment as well as to seek out higher and higher recycled content in our products. We hope that others will follow, and consumers will seek it out. Over time, demand for recycled content will increase and ultimately require less and less need for virgin materials and fossil fuels to be used for plastic packaging.
We can all make simple contributions to sustainable causes, and together we will make a difference. Our thanks to PAC for recognizing this 25% PCR packaging as a contender for an award.
Dainty’s Kimora Calrose packaging design, by Pigeon Branding, won a PAC Global 2022 Award in the category of ‘Brand Marketing – Revitalized, Food’. The design beautifully evokes a sense of the japonica rice varietal within through Japanese inspired symbolism.
PAC Award recipients were announced February 8, 2022.
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