Is rice gluten-free?

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More and more consumers want to switch to a gluten-free diet. But is rice gluten-free? This is a question that many people are asking themselves, especially those who are intolerant to this protein.

Fortunately, the answer is yes. For people who suffer from celiac disease, rice can therefore be an excellent ally. In addition to being very nutritious, it can replace cereals that contain gluten, such as wheat, barley, spelt and rye.   If you don’t add any ingredients with gluten most rice recipes are gluten-free


What is gluten? 

Gluten is a protein contained in certain types of cereals. For people with gluten intolerance, this protein will cause an allergic reaction. The body starts to produce antibodies that will destroy the lining of the intestine.

Some of the most serious symptoms may include digestive problems, anemia and stunted growth in children.

Other symptoms are more subtle and less specific, making gluten intolerance more difficult to diagnose. These symptoms include abdominal or joint pain and an abnormal lack of energy.

For people who suffer from gluten intolerance, it is therefore important to eat meals that contain only gluten-free products.  


Is there gluten in rice? 

Rice does not contain gluten. It can therefore be used in your gluten-free recipes to replace cereals that contain gluten, such as wheat for example. Amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat are also gluten-free cereals.

Since there is no gluten in rice, you can also use its by-products to cook your meals. Wheat flour that contains gluten, for example, can be replaced by rice flour.  


What are the nutritional benefits of rice?  

Rice provides the same amount of energy as wheat. There are 2 common types of rice: brown rice, and white rice. White rice is actually brown rice which is further milled to remove the bran layer, revealing the pearly white grain underneath.

White rice has many nutrients. Naturally it contains over 15 vitamins and minerals. For example B vitamins and folic acid, both essential for the nervous system, and omega 6 fatty-acids which are anti-inflammatory, as well as fiber, iron and zinc. It is highly appreciated by consumers for its colour.

Brown rice is even more nutritious than white rice because it retains its outer layer, the bran, which contains most of its nutritional value. To give you an idea, a cup of brown rice contains 4 times more fibre and 20% more protein than a cup of white rice.

In addition to being a major source of vitamins and minerals, brown rice also contains fibre, selenium, magnesium and manganese. Brown rice does not cause constipation. On the contrary, it can help to treat it, because of the large amount of fibre it contains allows water to be absorbed in the stool.   


Dainty, your Canadian rice supplier 

For your rice recipes, choose Dainty products. For over 135 years, our mission has been to provide the highest quality rice from all over the globe. Dainty is Canada’s only rice mill and all products are gluten-free and GMO-free.

We produce a wide variety of rice and all our products are GMO-free. Your taste buds will be satisfied. Guaranteed.

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