
Rice Cooking Tips

Perfect rice tips

  • If you slightly burn rice on the bottom of your pot, you can remove the burnt taste from the unburnt rice by placing a slice of fresh white bread on the top and then covering the pot. After 5 minutes the burnt taste should disappear.
  • Wait to add salt to the rice until after it is fully cooked, as it may cause it to toughen.
  • To keep rice white while cooking, add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.
  • A few minutes before your rice is done, place 2 layers of paper towel under the lid and let it finish cooking. The rice will be dryer and fluffier.
  • To prevent rice from getting mushy, during the final stages of cooking place a kitchen paper towel underneath the lid to absorb any condensation
  • Don't ever be afraid to taste test your rice for doneness.
  • Perfection in anything requires some trial and error - you need to find what works with you in your kitchen.

Ratios & Timings

  • Rough ratio, uncooked to cooked is 1:3.
  • 1/4 cup of raw rice = 3/4 cup of cooked rice
  • Time to cook: start to finish, plan on 20 minutes for white rice and 45 minutes for brown rice.
  • If the rice has not cooked but the pot is out of water, add some water, cover and turn the heat down.
  • If you end up with a crust of slightly brown rice, on the bottom of your rice cooker, try adding an extra 1/4 cup of water for next time.
  • Any rice can be cooked in the same way as pasta, throw it into boiling water and taste test for doneness


Did you know that you can make your own gluten-free flour for battering or baking needs by pulsing and grinding dry rice in a blender?
  • Tip: If the grinding does not achieve a uniform result, sift the flour to remove the larger unground pieces
  • Tip: 1 cup of rice yields about 1 1/2 cups rice flour
  • Tip: for Baking needs, blend 1 tbsp. baking powder for each cup of rice flour

To rinse or not to rinse?

Rinsing Dainty rice is not necessary as once it has been imported it is cleaned at our Canadian mill - it is run through metal detectors and sorting equipment to remove any foreign material. For many, rinsing is actually a cultural preference - there is no right or wrong! Notably, rinsing your rice will make it less sticky as it removes the surface starch, but it will not remove any nutrients.