
Dainty’s Super Simple Rice Pudding

Inspired by Dainty Chefs

A treat that requires no fussing and it’s ready by the time the kids (or the inner kid in you!) have finished eating.

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Rice cooker 1


  • 1/2 cup / 125mL Dainty SHORT rice
  • 2 ¼ cups / 560mL Milk
  • ¼ cup / 60mL Sugar
  • 1 tbsp / 15mL Vanilla Extract

Optional ingredients - rice pudding is so versatile, you can practically add anything you love!

  • Cinnamon
  • Maple Sugar
  • Raisins
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Jam
  • Chocolate Sauce



Place the rice and milk in the rice cooker, stir to combine.


Proceed with the cook cycle.


Once the cooker switches to ‘warm’, add the sugar, vanilla, and any other optional ingredients, stir, and leave to rest for 3 minutes. Serve immediately.


N.B. The rice pudding mixture will thicken as it cools. If it becomes too thick, just add more milk as a thinner.


N.B.2 The milk will bubble while cooking and depending on size of your cooker, it may splash out so we recommend watching it the first time.

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