Gluten Free

Gluten Free Rice & Banana Pancakes

Author: inspired-by-all-recipes

Delicious served with butter, maple syrup, and a morning coffee. The recipe makes 20 – 30 pancakes, however for big hit with a younger crowd make huge gluten free pancakes and add chocolate chips!

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[Total: 7 Average: 5]
Cooking 15 Min
Servings Serves 4-6
Product Gluten free All-Purpose Flour



Step 1

If making flour, blend the uncooked Dainty Brown rice in a food processor or blender until a powder consistency is formed.

Step 2

Combine the flour, salt, baking powder, and cardamom.

Step 3

In a mixing bowl, add the powder mixture to mashed bananas.

Step 4

Add the eggs, vanilla extract and almond milk, mix until thoroughly combined.

Step 5

Heat the coconut oil in a pan.

Step 6

Pour the mixture into the hot pan to form small pancakes. Allow cooking for a couple of minutes before flipping to the other side.

Step 7

Ensure pancakes are cooked all way through before serving.

Step 8

Special Touch: To make a really fun weekend breakfast, make huge pancakes in a big non-stick frying pan and add chocolate chips!

Substitute Rice
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