Brown Rice is a natural whole grain retaining nutrients from within its bran and germ layers. Cooked, its separate grains are dense, with a bit of ‘chew’ and amazing wholesome flavour.
1 Rice: 2 Water
Long wholegrain rice
This hearty grain is a great pairing for stir-fried vegetables, stews, grilled meats and even excellent served cold in a salad dish or bowl.
A comforting, slightly nutty smell.
Wholesome, rich & earthy.
A bit chewy, dense, has a good amount of ‘bite’.
Brown grains remain separate once cooked.
Brown rice is a long grain rice which has had only its husk removed. As such, Brown rice retains its bran and germ layer, keeping its brown colour and whole grain nutrients.
Dainty’s Brown rice is most commonly of US origin, from the Southern states bordering the Mississippi Delta.
Below 55 (Low)
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