Cooking Ratio
1 Rice: 6 Water (for risotto)
Grain Type
Short grain Arborio rice.
Ideal for
The famous and classic Italian dish - Risotto! However, in a pinch, you can use Arborio rice for paella or even a jambalaya.
Slightly sweet, though always influenced by the paired recipe flavours.
Soft, plump and al dente in the center.
White short grain, looks rich & creamy when cooked.
What is it?
Arborio rice is an Italian short-grain rice, named after the town of Arborio in Po Valley, Northern Italy.
Dainty's Arborio rice is sourced from the fertile foothills of the Italian Alps, in the Po Valley.
Despite it being true that most Italians prefer risotto to be al dente, this rule is not set in stone. The final texture of any risotto dish should be accommodated to the consumer; there is no right and wrong in cooking the rice beyond the al dente stage.