Cooking Ratio
1 rice:1.5 to 2 water (as desired)
Grain Tyoe
Long Grain aromatic rice
Ideal for
Basmati is ideal for making pilafs and great as an accompaniment to stir-fried vegetables, stews, curries, grilled fish or chicken, and even for a rice pudding!
The word Basmati means 'fragrant' in Hindi. Basmati has a comforting, slightly nutty, smell.
A subtly nutty 'pandan-like' flavour. Pandan is a leaf that is commonly used to add flavour to South East Asian dishes, leaving a mysterious nutty aroma which reminds you of banana leaves and coconut.
Soft & fluffy, with perfectly separated grains.
Long and slim, separate grains when cooked.
Himalayan foothills bordering Pakistan & India.
The belief that soaking rice before cooking elongates the grain is a myth! However, basmati rice does elongate during cooking.