Vegan Friendly

Long & Wild Mushroom Casserole

Author: Dainty chefs

A moist creamy dish, a perfect pairing for roast ham, chicken or turkey.

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Cooking 45 Min
Servings Serves 4-6
Product Long & Wild Blend



Step 1

Prepare Long & Wild Rice according to package directions: 25 minutes.

Step 2

In a frying pan melt the butter over medium-high heat and sauté the onion and mushrooms, 5 minutes, until onion is translucent.

Step 3

Add the flour and stir to combine. Then using a whisk, stir in the beef broth making sure there are no lumps. Continue stirring until smooth and thickened, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 4

Add the sauce into the saucepan with the cooked rice. Fold together gently.

Step 5

Turn the mixture of rice and sauce into a casserole dish, sprinkle with almonds and bake 30 minutes.

Step 6

Garnish with a sprinkling of chopped parsley, and serve.

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